C Switch Statement

C Switch Statement

Switch Statement is also known as the conditional statement in the C Programming language. Instead of using multiple if else conditions or nested if else we can go with a switch statement.

Syntax of Switch in C

switch(expression) {
  case x:
    // code block to execute
  case y:
    // code block to execute
    // code block to execute

switch statement rules C language

  • switch expression can be an integer or a character.
  • Expression is evaluated only once and then it will be compared with the cases.
  • If the case matched the expression result, that code block will be executed.
  • default block is optional and it is executed if there is no case match.
  • break keyword breaks the switch block and comes out from the switch block.

break Keyword

  • When execution reaches to break keyword, it breaks out of the switch block.
  • It stops the execution of the current block.
  • It is used in the switch statements to break the next case check if a match is found. This means if the case matches the expression result, then no need to check the next case as already work is done.

C Program to demonstrate Switch Expression

int main() {
  int number = 20;
  switch (number) {
  case 10:
    printf("Matched with case 10");
  case 20:
    printf("Matched with case 20");
  case 30:
    printf("Matched with case 30");
    printf("No match found");
  return 0;


Matched with case 20