Java Program to count the digits of a given number using while loop

Java Program to count the digits of a given number using while loop

In this program, we are counting the number of digits present in a given number.

For Example

Suppose if the given number is say 51 

Output should be 2

if the input is 123  

Output should be 3

Steps to write digits count program

  • Here we are using “Scanner” to take input for numbers.
  • We are taking a counter variable which will increment in accordance with the number of digits in the number.
  • Now we will run the while loop till the given number is 0.
  • Inside the loop, we divide the number with 10 as long as it meets the condition and increment the counter variable.
  • Once the loop condition breaks, the incremented value of the counter variable is the number of digits in the number.

Program to count number digits in Java

import java.util.*;
public class Main
	public static void main(String args[])
		Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
		int count = 0;
		System.out.println("Enter the Number : ");
		int number = sc.nextInt();
		while(number>0) {
			number = number/10;
		System.out.println("There are "+count+" digits in the number");

Output 1:

Enter the Number : 
There are 2 digits in the number

Output 2:

Enter the Number : 
There are 4 digits in the number